Alison will already be known to many in Scottish Angling through her role on both the Forth District Salmon Fishery Board and the Forth Rivers Trust or through the significant number of fisheries related Scottish Government Working Groups that she has been involved in over the years.
Alison is a recreational trout and coarse angler (with the occasional day trying for salmon) and has a real passion for ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to access and enjoy angling in all disciplines at all levels. She sees that the future of angling must include the development within the sport across all three disciplines, leading to both confident recreational anglers and, for those that compete, success at many levels including representing Scotland on the international stage. Her passion for angling has taken her to many parts of Scotland and abroad and she rarely travels without a rod and reel in her luggage.

Alison says ‘Angling has provided a focus for many hours of relaxation away from the stresses of work and has taken me to many beautiful locations. As someone who came late to the sport I know only too well how difficult it can be get into it and how rewarding it is. I am keen to find ways to support pathways into angling and to support anglers throughout Scotland enjoy this important part of our culture. I hope that Angling Scotland will become the go-to organisation for all anglers and will ensure that it delivers its vision of protecting and promoting all angling in Scotland.’
Alison brings a wealth of professional and voluntary management experience to the role of Chair of Angling Scotland Ltd. She is looking forward to meeting, or renewing acquaintances, with the key players in Coarse, Sea and Game angling, working with the individual Sport Governing Bodies, sportscotland, the Scottish Government and the wider Scottish angling community to help drive Angling Scotland forward, grow participation and membership and protect the future of our sport.
Alison replaces retiring Chair, David Ogg, who has recently moved his family home down to Stamford in England. David has done a sterling job over the past three and a half years in getting Angling Scotland and the three SGBs to where we are today. We sincerely hope that he will stay in contact and we wish him Tight Lines for the future.
Gus Brindle – Chair of the Scottish Federation for Coarse Angling commented, “I believe that we have been immensely fortunate to have been able to appoint Alison to replace David Ogg as Chair of Angling Scotland. The role will be vitally important to our success as we collectively move towards Angling Scotland becoming a membership organisation from 1st April 2023. Alison’s existing knowledge of the Scottish angling landscape, contacts across the sector, and extensive Board level experience means she comes into the post well equipped to lead the Board in driving the sport forward”.
Mike Horn – President of the Scottish Federation of Sea Anglers commented, “The fact that Alison’s background does not include previous direct involvement with any of the three Scottish Angling Governing Bodies means that she is able to bring a fresh perspective, untainted by angling politics, which will be vital as we look to further develop this new
Jim Twaddle – President of the Scottish Anglers’ National Association commented, “I am delighted to welcome Alison to take over the job of chair in ASL. It’s great to have someone with such a good understanding of the problems facing the future of Angling in Scotland. I would also like to thank Retiring chairman David Ogg for all his hard steering us through difficult times.”