Category Archives: Safeguarding and Wellbeing

Record Carp caught from Eliburn Reservoir

Record Carp of 25lb caught from Eliburn Reservoir. John revealed his previous biggest catch at [...]

Dog Walkers urged to be vigilant following the discovery of nets and lines in two Lothians rivers

East Lothian Partnership Against Rural Crime (ELPARC) and the Forth District Salmon Fishery Board (FDSFB) say bailiffs [...]

Anglers allege untreated sewage from old mine workings could lead to “an environmental disaster on Lothians river”

Marc (cor) Anderson, president of Musselburgh and District Angling Association (MDAA), claims otters, kingfishers, salmon, [...]

Harlaw Reservoir have stepped-up security patrols after a spate of poaching

Now, the water is patrolled on a 24-hour basis, including at night. And police have [...]

Update on travel guidance for fishermen during phase 1

We have been asked by the minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing to assist [...]

28 May 2020 – Returning to fishing and phase one

First minister gives us green light on phase 1 meaning we can begin to get [...]


Scottish Government has decided, based on their scientific advice, that the time is not yet [...]

Proposal for Return to Angling

Since the start of the COVID-19 lifestyle changes and social distancing directions from the Scottish [...]

Coaching Activity Suspended

COVID-19 UPDATE The safety of our members, coaches and the Scottish public is our primary [...]

Standards for Child Wellbeing & Protection in Sport – Club Pilot Deadline Extended!

As you may be aware, Children1st are currently piloting the Standards for Child Wellbeing & Protection in [...]