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SFSA Sea Angling Competition  23rd July – East Fife Open, Anstruther

July 23, 2023

Welcome to Anstruther! We will host the East Fife open at Anstruther in Fife, Scotland, situated on the north-shore of the Firth of Forth and 9 mi south-southeast of St Andrews. This exciting event is organized by the SFSA (Scottish Federation of Sea Angling) and promises to be a great day out for all fishing enthusiasts.

As usual, the SFSA will be responsible for organizing the pegs and draw, ensuring that the event runs smoothly and fairly. We kindly ask all anglers to read and abide by the rules below to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants.


  • Only two rods per person are allowed.
  • No baited hooks may be left unattended.
  • All fish must be returned to the water alive, unless it is a legal catch and the angler wishes to take it home.
  • No littering allowed. Please dispose of all rubbish in the bins provided.
  • Please be considerate of other anglers and maintain a safe distance at all times.

We hope you have a fantastic time in Dundee at our sea Fishing Event and wish you the best of luck!


Please read the following if you intend entering any matches run by the Federation. We have felt for some time that clear rules were needed to ensure fairness for all.
Considerable time and discussion has been taken in formulating these which we believe will make matches not just fairer, but more enjoyable for all.
1. Only one rod with maximum of 3 hooks to be in use at any one time, unlimited spare rods can be set up with line running through eyes and terminated at a clip or swivel.(SFSA matches 3 hooks on open beaches and 2 hooks in estuaries).
2. Pegged matches will be pegged at least 60 minutes before match and pegs will be drawn at muster point. Pegs are always pegged left to right facing the sea/water.
3. SFSA matches will have minimum size of 18cm unless stated in advertisement of match.
4. When measuring fish the measuring stick must be on a flat surface with the fish head touching bottom of stick and measurement taken from tip of tail rounding down to closest cm. When measuring hand may be used to hold fish in place but not impeding witnesses line of sight of head and tail. All fish must be witnessed by a neighbouring angler.
5. In bait restricted matches only bait stated in advertisement may be used, no bait additives allowed in these matches.
6. Anglers must be in possession of match card at all times, details marked on card must be marked in ink before retrieval of next cast. Match cards must be kept in a legible state.
7. Anglers must comply with any request from a neighbouring angler to measure and record their catch. Common sense dictates that this should be done at a convenient moment ie not when angler is retrieving or casting. Assistance may be obtained to land a fish, but except for safety only the competitor may handle the rod.
8. Fish must be measured and returned in front of angler that marks the card before the next cast is retrieved. Fish hooked by 2 angler are allowed and the angler with the hook in the mouth or closest to the mouth takes the points, if both anglers hooks are in the mouth the fish is disqualified. Foul hooked fish are allowed but anyone found to be intentionally foul hooking fish will be disqualified.
9. It is the anglers responsibility to return their card at end of the match. No card no prizes. All returned cards must be completed and signed and counter signed before leaving the beach.
10. Competitors can only wade up to height of their knees in the water to cast then must return to shore, unless local conditions dictate otherwise eg. A sandbar on a dropping tide.
11. If the match is a rover, match times must be adhered to, casting before the match start or fishing beyond the finishing time will lead to immediate disqualification.
12. Any competitor who has absorbed alcoholic drinks and is not capable of handling their fishing tackle in appropriate way will be disqualified, no open containers of alcohol permitted at any SFSA matches.


July 23, 2023
Event Category:


Scottish Federation of Sea Anglers
View Organiser Website


East Fife Open, Anstruther
Anstruther Fife KY10 3AB United Kingdom + Google Map
View Venue Website