Attention all salmon anglers and river enthusiasts!

We are calling on your vigilance following the recent unusual catch of a Pink Salmon on the River Spey. This event is noteworthy as the majority of Pink Salmon sightings in Scotland have historically occurred during odd-numbered years.

Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), native to the Pacific, were introduced into Russian rivers in the 1960s and have gradually spread to other regions, including the Atlantic. Their presence in Scottish waters remains rare, with notable increases in sightings only in recent years. For example, in 2017, a total of 139 Pink Salmon were recorded, while 169 were reported in 2021.

How to Report:

If you see or accidentally catch a Pink Salmon, please report it using the following link

Additionally, you can use the FMS app to record key information, including images and locations of both live and dead fish.

Why This Matters:

Monitoring the presence of Pink Salmon in our waters helps us gain a clearer understanding of which rivers might be affected and informs future management actions. The data collected will contribute significantly to the preservation of our native species and the overall health of our aquatic ecosystems.

Further updates will be provided as the situation develops. For more detailed information, please visit the FMS webpage for more detail here

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.